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Capability Statement 2024
MINING TAX | CIT Capability Statement 2024
Navigating through complex and often uncertain mining tax laws
Sefako Ledwaba - PIA
Josias Montjane - CA(SA)
| 7 min read |
Customs and Excise Act - No.91 of 1964
Draft Amendments Rules Customs and Excise Act - No.91 of 1964
SARS Excise division has published a second draft relating to creating a new warehousing type.
1 min read |
A Shift in South Africa’s Approach on Transfer Pricing Disputes ABD LIMITED V CSARS, TAX COURT, CASE NO IT 14302
A recent ruling by the Tax Court in the case of ABD Limited v CSARS marked a notable shift in how South Africa approaches disputes over transfer pricing.
Disebo Makhetha -
| 1 min read |
Two Pot Retirement System
Tax Focus Two Pot Retirement System
This new system will apply to all retirement funds, that is, both private sector and public sector funds.
Nokukhanya Madilonga
| 1 min read |
Consideration of remedies other than objection and appeal
Tax disputes Consideration of remedies other than objection and appeal
This article deals with remedies other than objection and appeals that are at taxpayers’ disposal to challenge assessments raised or decisions made by SARS.
Azwinndini Magadani - CA(SA)
| 1 min read |

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